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From Chaos

To Calm

Downsizing is figuring out what you need 

and what you don't need anymore.

The process will dramatically open up not only the physical space you live in, it also frees your mind in order to create a more peaceful and happy life.

Regarding too much stuff,

here is a great quote by Author Peter Walsh:


"Rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic

as much as you want,

the ship is still going down!"



Holding on to items from your past keeps you stuck there, and prevents you from creating the life you want now. Releasing items that no longer serve you

is fear-based...feel the fear and let it go anyway.

Too much stuff not only makes your space feel cluttered and unwelcoming, it will negatively affect your life in many other ways:

  • increases stress

  • creates feelings of frustration and hopelessness

  • robs you of valuable time

  • puts a strain on your relationships

  • wastes money

  • disrupts your life in areas that you

      might not realize are being affected


Calm Surroundings will:

  • provide hands on de-cluttering and organizational services

  • downsize to make the most of your space

  • create maintainable organization systems for any or all rooms of your home or office

  • determine items to sell, donate, or toss

  • help you develop healthy relationships with your stuff

  • prepare for moving

  • set up efficient filing systems for paper documents and electronic information

  • provide solutions for saving photographs, collections and memorabilia

  • bring your home up-to-date to fit your current situation and organizing needs

  • guidance to help you stay focused in order to achieve amazing results

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